Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Bow of Epirus anf Niflheimr!

 Some rear items in Skyrim:
The first one, "THE BOW OF EPIRUS" is 10000 in value, does 65 damage and weight 10! The description reads as following: "The Epirus Bow, a wepaon of immense power." Well, it has power allright! When you shot, everything around it flies away! That's just epic!

The second one, "THE BOW OF NIFLHEIMR" is 7500 in value, does 63 damage and weight 10! The description reads as following: "The lost bow of the Ice God Niflheimr. Turn your targets into solid ice." Well, in my opinion, this bow is much better than "The Bow of Epirus" because this bow freeze everyone you shot at to ice so you can just keep shooting! You also get unlimited arrows when the bow is equiped!

You can find both of these bows through following the Companions. At Kodlaks burial, there are weapons on the right side of the body. Two of those weapons are these bows! 

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